How Virtual Event Apps Can Engage and Educate Healthcare Professionals
April 15, 2024

How Virtual Event Apps Can Engage and Educate Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare is a field where continuous learning is crucial. New discoveries, treatments, and emerging technologies constantly arise, and it’s up to Health Care Professionals (HCPs) to stay updated to provide the best possible care to their patients. Traditionally, conferences have been the main source of continuous education (CD) for HCPs. However, attending these conferences presents […]

In-person Vs. Virtual Events: How To Decide What’s The Best
April 15, 2024

In-person Vs. Virtual Events: How To Decide What’s The Best

Is it difficult for you to choose between Virtual and In-person events?  Over the past few years, virtual events have become much more popular (Thanks to COVID-19) than live events. But that does not mean traditional in-person events have lost their charm; there are benefits of in-person events. People still crave human interaction, and it […]

Event Pricing Strategies to Sell More Tickets
April 12, 2024

Event Pricing Strategies to Sell More Tickets

While cooking up a dish, the amount of salt you add can make or break its taste. Similarly, when organizing an event, the ticket pricing or event pricing strategy you choose determines its profitability and success. In fact, ticket pricing is at the core of any event, and event organizers can certainly attest to this. […]

The Top 10 Must-Have Features in Your Conference App
April 11, 2024

The Top 10 Must-Have Features in Your Conference App

Remember the old days of carrying around those bulky conference booklets, frantically flipping through them to find handouts between sessions? Sometimes, you’d even miss out on important sessions or fail to connect with the right people amidst the chaos. But fear not. Paper schedules are a thing of the past! Thankfully, conference apps have become […]

15 Event Engagement Ideas to Wow Your Attendees
April 10, 2024

15 Event Engagement Ideas to Wow Your Attendees

Have you ever tried to gather people to join in an activity or event only to meet blank stares and awkward silence? It can be disappointing as an event organizer when your efforts to increase engagement fall short or when your well-planned conference doesn’t deliver the experience you hoped for. Experienced event planners know that […]

The Top Key Performance Indicators to Track Your Event Success
April 9, 2024

The Top Key Performance Indicators to Track Your Event Success

They say, ‘What gets measured gets managed,’ and this rings especially true in event planning. Imagine pouring your heart and soul into organizing and hosting an event, whether virtual or physical, only to realize you have no way of knowing if it truly resonated with your audience, or perhaps you end up wondering, ‘How to […]

B2B Event Marketing Strategy: Top 10 Innovative Ideas
March 29, 2024

B2B Event Marketing Strategy: Top 10 Innovative Ideas

Did you know that 84% of B2B marketers believe that live events and networking are essential for their company’s success? Industry leaders share groundbreaking ideas, attendees network and forge valuable connections, and your brand takes centre stage, establishing itself as a trusted authority. Even in this rapid digital world, face-to-face interactions can not be replaced, […]

Top Questions For Attendee Registration Forms For Successful Event Planning
March 29, 2024

Top Questions For Attendee Registration Forms For Successful Event Planning

As an event planner, have you ever found yourself staring at a blank registration form, unsure of what questions to ask about an event to the attendees? Name? Location? Preferences? Ugh! We’ve all been there, event planners. It can feel overwhelming! But don’t underestimate the power of the attendee registration form. This seemingly simple document […]

The Conference Planning Checklist Used By Top Event Planners
March 26, 2024

The Conference Planning Checklist Used By Top Event Planners

Are you planning an event or conference? It’s a great idea! Conferences offer excellent professional development and networking opportunities, helping you grow your presence in your industry. But……….. Planning an event or conference can be overwhelming even for the top event planners. A successful event demands months of planning and preparations. If you are new […]