It is obvious that an event needs promotion for success. When the word marketing or promotion comes to the mind, the word “social media” automatically comes associated with it. It is because our lives today are not anyway disconnected from the social network. This must be used as a tool to reach out to a wider and new audience at a global level. The best benefit any event derives from being promoted with the help of social media networks is that with less effort more than expected visibility is achieved.
First things first the event must be given an identity, a solid look which will be promoted. One must create a page for the Event which must have all the right information displayed. For example, an ideal event Facebook social page must have an attractive photo, an appealing short straightforward description and details about the venue. Remember no one loves reading long texts. Cut short words to focus just on what is needed.
The event page is also a place tat can help plan and execute event planning. The event planning app is another way to assit the plannig team and give information to attendees.
YouTube is the most prominent medium to spread words in the society. Live videos with appealing content and sound can attract endless views within seconds. However, the quality of the content must be out of this world standard. To design content for YouTube one must take into considerations the following things:-
a) Check previous years video testimonials to compare how this year the quality of the event are different?
b) Make snippets along with background voiceover to show small snippets of the preparations for the final event.
c) Provide an impressive welcome note from the company’s side for the audience.
d) Take into consideration what the guests will be expecting from the event.
e) Use techniques like whiteboard animations to showcase the concept of the event in short.
f) Use of annotations
Check out the social media followers the corporate sponsor of the event has. Involve them in the process so they can spread the word in their space usins social media event promotion tools. The Additional audience will be highly beneficial for the visibility of the event and it can be further enhanced wirh an event app. It is a fact that if the event you are hosting becomes a success then it signifies a success for the sponsors as well. If any special deals or offers are planned then convey this information to your sponsors too so they can also spread the news.
Irrespective of social media doing the majority of the promotional work, the effort will be unsuccessful if the content is not engaging. Remember users do not have the whole day to sit and watch the content. It is just 10 seconds in which one has to grab the attention of the viewer. Make content interactive and try engaging the user in some interesting activity.
Today all companies have a professional LinkedIn account. For finding out audience start joining groups which are connected with the industry you are dealing with. Communicate with people in the group, offer ideas and advice. The more your face becomes familiar the more genuine factor will improve. So, when the next event is in queue spread out the link of the social network event page and conference app in LinkedIn groups.
These days brand use company hashtags to create a buzz. Make short and simple to the point hashtags and keep promoting it on various social networks.
Invest into a mobile event app specifically made promoting the event on various OS platforms. This way you can send notifications, connect to new people and continuously communicate their inquiries.
Nowadays, no other way creates as big exposure as the social media does. Hence, one must completely leverage on it. Learn about them and work on to make a space for the upcoming event. Use the best event app to make sure all your social media channels are aligned.