Motivating Millenials to Participate in Your Next Event


March 3, 2013


Millennials are those born between (in pure demographic terms) between 1977 and 1995. They are tech savvy, independent pride themselves on being socially connected, like gratification that comes in rapidly (not delayed) and can multi-task during any activity or event.

Any event planner that wants to attract and engage with this market. This demographic needs more attraction like social media visibility, event gamification, likes and share and everything about visibility. Be aware of the characteristics of the increasingly important market segment.

Here are our takeaways for working with millenials for your next even:

1. Market your event via social media

Make sure during the event you are providing tools and methods for millenials to stay engaged with during your event. And, make sure you have feedback mechanisms built into your marketing processes.

2. Select a facility or meeting room

It can integrate real world interaction (traditional) with more modern tools, including WiFi access, mobile readiness, engagement opportunities via all social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest). Update the location image in you event app and create curiosity.

3. Check in with your millennial demographic

Prior to the event and ask them what type of content will be meaningful for them and what services they are looking for during the event. The answers may surprise you and be open in terms of your Q&A with them.

4. Setup and create networking opportunities

That will appeal to millenials – some are more socially active (like any demographic) than others and may want you to set up networking areas for them. Your mobile event app will open the doors to hundreds of new attendees.

5. Keep it casual

Millenials like casual dress and/or environments that are not too structured – make sure your event adheres to these standards and give them plenty of time that is unstructured and afford them the opportunity to engage with speakers and presenters during or after an event. They like spontaneity as well.

6. Give them lots of options to choose

Millenials like events that are more tailored to their specific needs, which may make it important to have “mini break out” sessions that afford them the ability to follow specific topics of interest that are appealing to them. You can again address this with your front end marketing and/or questionnaire. The conference meeting app will give the opportunity to download sessions notes, interact with each other, ask questions, give feedback and other opportunities to explore.

7. Millenials like data and information

Allow attemdees to share information in short sound bites and bite sized chunks. Ask your speakers to give shorter more interactive sessions with lots of Q&A when/if it makes sense during their presentation. And, ask them to keep their sentences short and tightly focused.

8. When and if you can, use short videos:

Make web accessible after a presentation and archived for access later – these can also be very focused and help to drive engagement with millenials, especially if paired with presentations in a creative manner. Use the best event app features like gamification to keep people engaged.

9. Use presentations:

The more entertaining a presentation, the deeper your engagement will be with millenials – like any younger skewed demographic they like learning wrapped in entertainment.

10. Social media visibility

Allow them to post and share there pics and videos on your wall and page. This will help you in better engagement and share the publicity.

Millenials can be great event attendees and participants. Use your event planning app and otrganise the event around millenials. You want to structure your events in ways that will be appealing to them to drive engagement and ongoing support of all of your events. Their unique characteristics and life style make them an attractive demographic for events. Remember to cater to their needs, like any market demographic.