Much is said and written about Twitter marketing strategies in general so we have written this blog post with busy event planners in mind! Here are some practical marketing tips about marketing your event or your company on Twitter.
- Twitter has very specific Follow limits and account limitations – you can only follow so many individual per hour (estimated to be no more than several hundred but a moving target and Twitter does not publish these) and your account is strictly limited by Twitter in terms of overall Followers. This number can’t be more than 2K depending on the ratio of Followers that you have to those you are Following. As your Follower base increases then this number is adjusted by Twitter. You should not direct message with you event app link more than 25-30 individuals or business per day. Be aware if you do too much of this your account can generate complaints and get shut down.
- Your goal on Twitter is to build Followers (connections) – Followers are great but you’d rather have a smaller number of Followers that want to hear from you and are engaged with your business. Too many make Twitter a popularity contest while ignoring the importance of engagement.
- Create and share great content – great content helps to drive Followers and engagement via Twitter. By “great content” we mean news that is meaningful and targeted for your market segment, links to videos or White Papers or Ebooks, etc. Remember you are building a long term relationship – share high value content that will be appreciated by your Followers and you will generate great marketing ROI.
- Think about other platforms on Twitter – one of the most effective Twitter marketing strategies for event planners is remembering to share your conference app link via Twitter to drive more connections. This should include links to your Pinterest, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts (personal and/or business). This is referred to as off platform Twitter marketing and should be an important part of your marketing strategy.
- Keep your promotion of your business, brand or event under 20% – don’t clutter your “Twitter stream” with more than 10-20% self promotion – this number is a good rule of thumb. If do more you will see your Follower counts drop and you are negating the good will you are building by sharing great content that resonates with your market segment.
- Pay it forward on Twitter for rewards – if you help others on Twitter you will generate good will and long term benefits and others will reciprocate in kind.
- Engage with others via Twitter – don’t just broadcast your messages and expect others to Follow you. Many individuals and brands want to see some engagement with your Twitter activities. By “engagement” we mean sending @messages to others, ReTweeting other’s marketing messages (Tweets) and participating in Twitter chats and marketing conventions like #FF or #FollowFriday or #MeetingMonday.
- Use hashtags when/where it makes sense – Twitter is only 140 characters so your messages have to be brief. Use hashtags allow you to make a Tweet with event planning app to stand out. Be easily notice by others who may be following a hashtag that relates to a market, event or a business or marketing activity.
Twitter has a distinct community of users like any other marketing platforms and you want to learn the marketing maxims and leverage these as much as possible. Be patient with Twitter marketing activities, it can take time to build a meaningful audience of engaged Followers.