Best Event Planning Apps You Should Consider

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When you are scrolling through your Instagram or Facebook, have you noticed ads related to events near your place? There are hundreds of events with different demographics and interests that are being held up daily. The event planning application has proven to be an engaging and powerful medium. They optimize the efforts of organizers to improve customer experience.

With the growing demand, there are many apps in the market, but what makes the best event apps stand out? To help you get a better idea about event management and planning app development, we have compiled a list of points and features.

Continue reading “Best Event Planning Apps You Should Consider”

The Benefits of Mobile Applications for Controlling and Planning Events

Mobile applications are ruling the world of events. There is a significant impact of adopting a mobile app in order to carry out a worthy-plan to organize a successful event. That is why it is important to approach an experienced agency offering the best platform to clients to have a corporate event app. Continue reading “The Benefits of Mobile Applications for Controlling and Planning Events”

Supercharge Your Next Event with Live Engagement Marketing

In this frantic tech savvy world, the time has come where a tremendous change can be observed in the field of marketing. The evolution of live engagement marketing has impacted the event field market in a positive way. This technique has altered the relationship between the customers and the businesses. Continue reading “Supercharge Your Next Event with Live Engagement Marketing”

The Future of Event is in Event Application

In recent decades, technology has played a major role in making “Only constant thing is Change” proverb true. Almost everything from our shopping to business platforms has shifted over the Internet. But one show business which hasn’t changed much is “Event Industry”. Einsteins of Event Industry don’t see many changes in this business in near future. Continue reading “The Future of Event is in Event Application”

Trends To Follow By Events Apps in 2018

It is hard for anyone to imagine life without technology, more so in the tech-savvy 21st century. With technology expanding its circle of scope with every passing day, understanding and preempting trends in technology is extremely beneficial.

Event organizers heavily dependent upon Event Apps for their audience engagement and as a source of sponsorship. With the changing trends, event app are also changing. This article discusses the trends and their importance to follow in Events applications.Trade show mobile apps build connectivity and engagement. Grupio event app is efficient, enabling you to keep track of valuable metrics. Visit now!

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How to Get The Most Out of Your Mobile Event App?

Every organizer who organizes any event always craves for responses like; “Wow, that event blew my mind!”Or something like this “I got so much more out of it than I expected!” These are the types of responses that can make or break a brand. If attendees like the experience they had at the event, they will surely attend the next one; they will always have compliments about your event and eventually buy your product and will also suggest others to buy it.

get most out from event apps
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Well living up to the expectations of attendees is not as easy as it sounds. This is the challenging part, to make sure all your attendees have an amazing experience. Organizers have repeatedly used mobile event apps as a way of overcoming this challenge. These interactive apps help the attendees feel empowered and in control of the event as well as to stay connected to others.

Your event app needs to be chosen carefully, once you have chosen it, it will help you in boosting engagement and extending the score of your event. You need to make the most of this platform in order to achieve the results you expect.

Therefore, to ensure that you use your event app correctly and your event Is a success, you need to divide your strategy into three parts:


1. Promote the mobile event app on your event website and registration page: Always get the word out about your event app. Be sure to include quicker check ins, interactive maps, special offers and a call-to-action (CTA).

2. Mention your app in your paper brochures and guides: Be sure to promote your app as much as you can, brochures, guides, downloadable PDFs and even tickets. The more you promote, more likely will be the chances of the attendees downloading your app.

During Event:

1. Encourage speakers to interact with their audience in the event app: Try to create experiences that are only available using the best event app, it’ll get the crowd anxious and they’ll ultimately download the app.

2. Always make sure to have a section for queries and Q&A: The in-app Q&A feature is a great way to give audiences an alternative to speaking into the microphone so it allows the less bold people to clear their doubts as well.

3. Don’t bore your attendees with just words and images: Always include a section for videos. You can even include videos related to the event, in case someone missed the starting or a part in between, or if someone found a topic too interesting to revisit it, they can watch in videos section to make sure they are up-to-date with the topic. Just don’t forget to make sure that you have the venue has the WiFi which can handle the traffic.

Post Event

1. Send personalized appreciation announcement to all your attendees through the app: Always send a “Thank you” message to all the attendees via the app after a day or two. This is a simple way to pull them back into your app as well as to show your appreciation for their involvement.

2. Give attendees the updates about the upcoming events using the same app: Continue promoting your post events, training sessions and other programs through the app. You can even include a discount or promo code for app users.

Use your event plannig app at every stage of your event. Go beyond just making the current event great to make it a memorable event for all organisers and attendees.

The Role of Event Apps in Facilitating Connections Between Speakers and Attendees

Technology is omnipresent in the contemporary scenario, and mobile phones today are enticing us and distracting us from whatever else is going on or happening around us. We constantly use Smartphone apps to foster our event experiences for the rest of our digital lives. Today, every event organizer wants a flawless event without any hindrances. Now that the organizers are habitually obsessing over increasing audience engagement and promoting interaction at their events between the speaker and the attendees, there are these mobile event apps that have evolved to reconcile the rift between both the parties, and this is how they are bridging the gap between both of them.

bridge between speakers & attendees

Economically Advantageous

Apps are such tools that they don’t need to be printed, arranged or piled up altogether. By using a properly designed event app, the first and foremost thing you can do is you can run some engaging and synergistic content on it and share it with the users. If the event app is promoted properly by using these methods, the app itself can become a robust tool.

Provides Information Instantaneously

Event apps can let you interact and provide ample information to the attendees expeditiously. Every speaker expects maximum attention from the users, and for this purpose, links to the app must be included in all digital communications. The event planning app lets you facilitate all the necessary information by sending regular emails to the attendees and repeated links to your social media platforms, along with providing some special discounts.

Helps in Proper Organization

An event app is certainly a supreme way to link the attendees to the speakers. There are multifarious social network sites that provide the link with the event app, and, with the help of which app, the presence of the members can be figured out. It helps in being organized in the sense that one can keep track of any upcoming social events and meetings with some potential suppliers, assuring their presence.

Helps Attendees Customize Their Schedules

The event organizer app helps to customize the schedules of the attendees as it can enable them to pick and choose their sessions. Schedules can be saved directly on the app, and they need not worry about missing their treasured speakers. This enables attendees to have control over their day.

Helps Audience Articulate Their Opinions

A conference app can certainly increase the attendee’s engagement as it helps them to raise their voice on some crucial issues and also give feedback. This can be done through features like live surveys, polling, etc., which are provided in the app, ensuring a perpetual interaction between the attendees and the speakers.

Benefits of Using a Mobile Event App

Meeting apps are rapidly taking over the event industry – they are ubiquitous productivity tools that help to drive connectivity and engagement with your attendees. If you are a Meeting Planner or Conference Organizer, here are some tips and insights for using Meeting Apps.

Generate Residual Income

Enhance the event for your sponsors and give yourself more “digital real estate” by offering sponsorships and other discount offers via the meeting app.

Get Instant Feedback through Surveys

Most mobile event apps have built-in survey functionality, enabling you to poll attendees easily and quickly both during and after the event.

Communicate Information Dynamically to Attendees

Meeting Apps let you update your attendees just about in real-time during your event – instantly connect and communicate, and no worries about email connectivity issues for/with your attendees.

Extend Your Brand

Meeting Apps provide a great way to brand your event by customizing your meeting app with corporate colors, logos, email contacts, social connections, and links to forms.

Go Green

Conference App affords more productivity for your business; it’s all digital, saving time and money on “old school” registration forms requiring data entry and helping to make your organization’s event greener by reducing your carbon footprint.

Stay Connected with Attendees

Mobile event Apps are designed to incorporate Twitter streams, especially if you are using hashtags for your event – and you can monitor what’s being said in real time on other social networks as well.

Guide Attendees in the Right Direction

Most meeting apps have built-in maps, the ability to customize your information, i.e., places of interest, things to do during the event, local landmarks, and places of interest.

Build Stronger Relationships with Attendees

Your attendees are mobile-ready in today’s always-on digital economy. Meeting Apps ensure they are in tune with your event and connected on a 24/7 basis.

Meeting Apps Drive Competitive Advantage

Are your direct competitors using mobile apps? If the answer is no, then mobile app integration with your business model will drive competitive advantage and help to distinguish your brand from your attendees.

Using a white-label event app can help you monetize all your event and conference needs. With Grupio, you can get an affordable event app and maximize your efficiency from planning to promotion.

The Bottom Line

Every event organizer aims for an impeccable event, and with the advent of mobile event app, the perspective of organizations toward managing events have changed considerably. Event App helps to let you organize and communicate with the attendees of the events easily and effortlessly. This can help any organization to reach new heights, thereby ensuring favorable results and accomplishing success.

Technology is Fast Transforming the Events Landscape!


Technology has transformed perhaps every aspect of our life. Be it your personal space, or any industry you work in, technology is constantly chasing you down. So is the case with the event industry. Once touted as an isolated business gathering, events are considered as a tech-oriented business engagement. It’s an overwhelming feel to witness the transformation in event management over the last few years.  Let’s explore and find out how technology has penetrated the very fabric of the event management using an event app:

Audience Engagement:

Events aren’t happening the ‘one to many’ ways. Now, it’s about attracting and engaging the bigger world out there. You will find many social media tools and other apps to hook the attention of the virtual audience. Live streaming is one such tool that can broadcast your live event to far off places at any time. You can run online contests, polls, and Q&A sessions etc. to arrest the online attention.

Personalized data:

Industry is flooded with data but not every single byte is commercially beneficial. You got to have the best analytical models to identify and implement the information to drive successful events. You can use Google Analytics to find the trending online events. Get used to the advanced technology such as iBeacon to expedite tracking down the movement of your event attendees. Go a notch up higher with the real time data functionalities to find what event sponsors and attendees are scrambling for. Event planning app can help you tarck and visualise this data.

Wearable Technology:

It may be a bit early to say but mainstream wearable technology is likely to rule the roost in the next few months. It’s an overwhelming feel to capture and store quantum of information from events. And all that without letting your hands do the job. Google Glass is one such revolutionary tool offering hands-free technology experience at events.

Future Technologies:

Recent advances in robotics have sparked hopes around unparalleled virtual event experience. For example, Suitable Technology Beam has become a popular robotic choice for CEOs of large corporations to participate in corporate events they can’t attend in person. If this core beam technology can be pulled to consumer level, you can very well imagine the dynamics. So instead of flying down to the event location or making hotel booking, you can log into a computer and take full control of a telepresence robot. They can easily navigate the event space to interact with guest speakers, vendors, suppliers and other esteemed participants. You can boost your virtual technology experience using conference app integration with solutions such as Oculus Rift and the Virtuix Omni.

You may find some of them costly but they are worth it against their insurmountable benefits. While you are chalking down the blue print of the next event, check out some of these technology-inspired solutions from Grupio to stimulate business growth and success.

6 Effective Tips To Boost Event App Downloads

Events become successful when it is promoted well and prospective attendees are well versed with the happenings. To develop their interest and keep them engaged, event app is prolific. The strategic usage of technology can save time and resources.

boost event app downloads

Let’s get to know some ways to promote event app right before the beginning of the event.

1. Content Creation

Right when you conceive the event idea, begin by collecting the content. As which speaker is required to speak, what kind of content would be preferred, the location benefits to the audience, promotional or tutorial videos, about the company or firm or promoter, promotional video on sponsors, and most importantly about the core idea & purpose of the event. Along with content prep, get the promotional designs for website and conference app ready for further use.

2. Early Risers

30 days before the events are a great time to embark on. Put a link to event app on the website. I am always amazed at the speed of social media. There are 10 apps downloaded on my phone which keeps on informing about new apps that could interest me. That is possible for your app also, spend on standard channels that pay off for sure. Web banners on your app convey a direct and quick message.

3. Pictures

Videos are worth sharing: Pictures & Videos develop the interest of the reader. Text information seems tiresome to read all the time. Pictures of various sorts like backstage work, team fun or countdown can be shared. Tutorial videos get a good number of views. As the best event app platform Grupio has easy access to upload pictures and video in no time.

4. Emails/Push Notifications

Through Email or Push notification, you can actually notify about anything at any point in time. It is low cost and involves less manpower to do it. On the left side of the event planning app in Grupio, I found signs that guide you to send notification in just one click. It is so much simpler and quicker.

5. Planning for Next 10 Days

Until now, ten days went in the set-up process. 20 days to go and social media section needs more updates and promotion activities to be executed. The next 10 days should be concentrated on social promotion as in online PR to download the app, YouTube promotion for instructions, coaching staff to handle queries. Getting a custom event app is the key to stay on top of your event marketing strategy.

6. Last Minute Details

No one forgets but it is your foremost duty to remind them modestly. Adding some more details about the supporters, sponsors, patrons or whosoever is linked.

Transform your mobile event app into a 365-day “always-on” communication and relationship-building tool by giving your attendees reasons tocontinue using it.

While you are chalking down the blue-print of the next event, check out some of these technology-inspired solutions from Grupio to stimulate business growth and success.