How to Set Right Budget for Your Next Event with Event App?

Budgeting for any event is a forecast of what expenses will be incurred and what profits will be earned based on the planning made and information collected. In event management preparation of the budget is the most crucial thing. These days event apps have made the entire process even easier. Directors of event use these apps to predict the future accuracy of events by making data analysis from past events. Comparisons of revenues and expenditures made in the past, the number of attendees, engagement of attendees, the number of old attendees , quality of content etc are some of the features based on which one can set the right budget for the upcoming event.

set right budget for event management
Source: Amazonaws

This is how one can set budget of next event with an app:

  • Realistic Calculations

It is important to make right speculations to set the optimum budget and avoid misuse. Whether there will be 20 or 100 delegates in a particular event can be best judged from track records. If one is used to using a conference app then the last most event’s data or a series of data or numerous events held in the part can create an ideal prediction.

  • Type of Event

Based on the type of an event its cost vary. So, one must be clear what is the type of an event when one sits on planning the budget. Whether the event is based on invitation, charged, driven by sponsors or is it a combo of all of these will change numerical of your budget.

  • Venue

Last minute booking of venues always burn a hole in the pocket. Hence, planning and booking for the venue must be done right at the first stages of event planning. Records from your event up must give you the details of the success or failure of the last event venue. Based on the old experiences one must set what budget to keep aside for the venue.

  • Revenue Plan

For events which are paid must have a price point. The decision must be taken as in what will be the price point. Comparing competitive events will give one a good idea about what the attendees are used to paying. Based on this one must decide either to keep the charge higher, at a lower rate or at a similar count. Use your revenue plan to cover up your event app cost and to make your event more engaging.

  • Costs – Fixed and Variable

One must make a calculation about the different kind of costs involved. For a fixed attendee size there is a fixed cost associated but the same cost will increase if there are more audience. Hence, while setting the budget for the upcoming event this point must be covered.

  • Agreements and Contracts

Generally event venues have some agreements where one might have to submit a deposit amount. It is crucial to know this amount since it will also be calculated in the budget. A mobile event app can help you manage all aspects of event planning.

  • Contingencies

Generally a 10% risk is associated with every financial activity on this planet. Hence, the risk of loss must also be calculated.

Hence, it is the right tool that can help you earn profits with minimal loss. An Event App with adequate budgeting tools and software can further ease the entire process.

How to Use Social Media To Promote Your Upcoming Event

It is obvious that an event needs promotion for success. When the word marketing or promotion comes to the mind, the word “social media” automatically comes associated with it. It is because our lives today are not anyway disconnected from the social network. This must be used as a tool to reach out to a wider and new audience at a global level. The best benefit any event derives from being promoted with the help of social media networks is that with less effort more than expected visibility is achieved.

ways to use social media for event promotion
source: by @DanCarthy2

Ways to Use the Social Media Tool in the Promotion of the Upcoming Event:

1. Event Page

First things first the event must be given an identity, a solid look which will be promoted. One must create a page for the Event which must have all the right information displayed. For example, an ideal event Facebook social page must have an attractive photo, an appealing short straightforward description and details about the venue. Remember no one loves reading long texts. Cut short words to focus just on what is needed.

The event page is also a place tat can help plan and execute event planning. The event planning app is another way to assit the plannig team and give information to attendees.

2. YouTube as event promotion tool

YouTube is the most prominent medium to spread words in the society. Live videos with appealing content and sound can attract endless views within seconds. However, the quality of the content must be out of this world standard. To design content for YouTube one must take into considerations the following things:-

a) Check previous years video testimonials to compare how this year the quality of the event are different?

b) Make snippets along with background voiceover to show small snippets of the preparations for the final event.

c) Provide an impressive welcome note from the company’s side for the audience.

d) Take into consideration what the guests will be expecting from the event.

e) Use techniques like whiteboard animations to showcase the concept of the event in short.

f) Use of annotations

3. Involve Your Sponsors

Check out the social media followers the corporate sponsor of the event has. Involve them in the process so they can spread the word in their space usins social media event promotion tools. The Additional audience will be highly beneficial for the visibility of the event and it can be further enhanced wirh an event app. It is a fact that if the event you are hosting becomes a success then it signifies a success for the sponsors as well. If any special deals or offers are planned then convey this information to your sponsors too so they can also spread the news.

4. Engage Users Through Content

Irrespective of social media doing the majority of the promotional work, the effort will be unsuccessful if the content is not engaging. Remember users do not have the whole day to sit and watch the content. It is just 10 seconds in which one has to grab the attention of the viewer. Make content interactive and try engaging the user in some interesting activity.

5. LinkedIn as event promtion tool

Today all companies have a professional LinkedIn account. For finding out audience start joining groups which are connected with the industry you are dealing with. Communicate with people in the group, offer ideas and advice. The more your face becomes familiar the more genuine factor will improve. So, when the next event is in queue spread out the link of the social network event page and conference app in LinkedIn groups.

6. HashTag Menia

These days brand use company hashtags to create a buzz. Make short and simple to the point hashtags and keep promoting it on various social networks.

7. Mobile Event App

Invest into a mobile event app specifically made promoting the event on various OS platforms. This way you can send notifications, connect to new people and continuously communicate their inquiries.

Nowadays, no other way creates as big exposure as the social media does. Hence, one must completely leverage on it. Learn about them and work on to make a space for the upcoming event. Use the best event app to make sure all your social media channels are aligned.

A Step-by-Step Conference Planning Checklist for Success

It is only when people visiting a Conference finds is interesting enough they make up their minds to visit the next one for the brand as well. A successful Conference by a brand helps develop good supportive feelings for the brand which also signifies a successful sale. However, it is a difficult task to satisfy every attendee as each one of them has different expectations and preferences. What someone considers being “wow” can be “dah” for another. The real challenge is to design an Conference in such a way that it spreads an overall positive feel in the ambiance.

event app

10 Things to Consider Before Planning the Next Conference:

1. Make an Conference App

The mobile conference app today seems to be the smartest and most foolproof way to ensure the success of an Conference. The logic behind this statement is that an Conference app gives one complete control over the Conference. And total control means one has all the data one needs to analyze the success or failure of the present Conference.

2. Conference planning for confort

Studies say that networking in a Conference in between fellow attendees is a growing trend and preferred choice witnessed all over the globe. The best way to connect all attendees is with the help of an app. Basically using social networking sites like Facebook or Linkedin the Conference can connect all the attendees and turn the entire atmosphere extremely comfortable.

3. Empower the Attendees

A conference or an event usually has many programs scheduled from beforehand. Depending on the timing preference of the attendees he or she will make a choice. The mobile event app of the Conference will help them pick their choice. Also, these sessions can be saved which makes sure they never miss a special Conference or a special spokesperson.

4. Keep the Attendees Up-to-Date

The attendees are entitled to know all the information related to the Conference. The app can have scheduled for the Conference, location, maps, lunch timings, the list of speakers, speaker bio and a lot more information. A last minute change can be updated real fast and all attendees will get the new information.

5. Track the Engagement Levels

An app provides very important data which helps to plan the next Conference. Suppose the event planning app shows majority preference for a particular type of Conference then it signifies there is a demand for the respective subject. So, one can smartly include it in the upcoming conference as a strategy to call interested like minded attendees together.

6. One Source of Information

People hate to spend time searching. The best event app is design to directly provide all relevant information to the attendee through notifications. Makes search timeless and erases struggle efforts.

7. Connecting Minds

A Conference is successful only when the people attending it appreciate it. For this, it’s extremely important to gather like minded attendees through powerful networking and social media. This also acts as a promotion where people spread the word.

8. Access with conference planning

Over 15 million people residing in countries like Australia owns smartphones. So, the access to technology and latest innovations is extremely high. A conference app is the perfect opportunity for an Conference to present their details to such huge user base.

9. Help Others

The world works on networking. So, as a successful Conference planner having used the power of technological innovations like Conference apps it is a responsibility to educated others. Such technical adoption helps other Conference planners plan their next Conference on your lines.

10. Efficient Management

A Conference app records every data related to an Conference. This helps to analyze how much resource has been used and what is wasted. This, in turn, helps to plan the next conference even more smartly.

The time is right to be involved in technology. Whether it be Conference planning or business the next best thing is to create a vast ambiance of people to attend and appreciate the message conveyed in the Conference.

If you are interested to learn more about how technology is fast transforming the events landscape then read this post & also try Grupio, mobile event app to manage attendees, speaker & sessions.

How to Have Sustainable Event Management?

Also commonly known as event greening, sustainable event management is basically the technique used to promote an event whose subject matter relates to social, environmental, and economic issues and concerns. The main motive of this kind of an event is to make sure that all decisions made and steps were taken in the campaign hosted is sustainable. The entire event is planned, organized and executed in a very cohesive environment where event greening is the main theme. It involves everyone related to the event be aware, conscious and implement the idea of a green event in the present event being hosted. For various event planners use event planning app, to better coordinate the sustainable event has different meanings.

event management
Image Credit: Universityevents

The various breakdowns of sustainable event management is given as follows:-

  • Waste is minimized as pollution is less. The required resources for executing the entire green event are much less.
  • Local suppliers are used who are reliable. These are the suppliers who work keeping “green” as their work theme. Such events give the society and the community a positive impact.
  • These events encourage other planners and other event management companies to adapt to the sustainable management method of work.

For sustainable event management undergo these steps:-

  • Monitor and Evaluate – Every event conceptualized in the lines of the green theme must be monitored for growth. Firstly one must have an in-depth plan of action using the conference app. This will help understand whether all information needed has been gathered. These are information and data related to pre-execution of the event, during the event and post-event. For example, one such data needed is the predicted amount of water needed in the event, how much water has been used and whether green event saved resources and by what quantity? These evaluations will aid in making the next green event even more eco-friendly.
  • Large Events – As far as large events are concerned, one have to make an independent report which is in compliance with the GRI or the Global Reporting Initiative. The GRI offers guidelines for organizations, sets out the principles, discloses the approaches to be followed and indicates the proposed performance parameters keeping social, economic and environmental issues in mind.
  • Steps to be Covered:
    a) Selection of the site where event will be held.
    b) What mode of transportation will be needed by the attendees?
    c) Hire the workforce behind the event
    d) Evaluate the impact of the event on the nature,community and economy on a local and global scale.
    e) Forthcoming legacies that will be created
    f) How much is the event accessible by people?Use your event app to make sure your whole team knows the intent of the event.
  • Green decisions – From the point of view of event planners, certain decisions can further promote sustainable event management. For example, if bottled water usage is stopped in all events for around a year, then it will impact positively on the total number of bottled water consumption in the locality annually. This power lies in the hands of the event planner. If carefully planned, one can change save the resources used in an event in a much more economical manner.
  • Save paper – It is not always needed to use paper and make promotions of the forthcoming event. Online booking and digital services are accessible to all today and this can save one a lot of paper.

So, if one is involved in the event industry one must make no delay or haste in adapting to such kind of green events. This thought applies to all kind of events. One can not only make an event sustainable but also successful.

To learn more about how event apps can help your business in event management, call us or visit at Grupio.