How Much Does IT Cost To Develop An Event App?

control your event app development cost | grupio

If you have invested time and money in building an events app then you know that pricing is one of the most confusing aspects. You might find apps that are free while some apps can cost up to lakhs. This dramatic variation in price is due to the features, functionality, UI and technology used to build these apps. However, you can not really pinpoint why some event app development cost a lot more than others. All these apps have a basic agenda, floor plan and tools but you need to dig deeper for the logic. First of all, let’s talk about the free goodies. Continue reading “How Much Does IT Cost To Develop An Event App?”

5 Ways your mobile event app can make everyone feel welcome at your event

While planning any event, usually we obsess over the things that we feel are important like logistics, registration, marketing etc. But the success of any event is measured by the engagement and comfort the attendees feel. Most of the time the organisers miss putting thoughts into making attendees feel comfortable. Instead of wanting to spice … Continue reading “5 Ways your mobile event app can make everyone feel welcome at your event”

While planning any event, usually we obsess over the things that we feel are important like logistics, registration, marketing etc. But the success of any event is measured by the engagement and comfort the attendees feel. Most of the time the organisers miss putting thoughts into making attendees feel comfortable. Instead of wanting to spice things up with interesting and unexpected events, we focus on the completion of the event without any complications. But Why is comfort so important to uplift the attendee experience? Continue reading “5 Ways your mobile event app can make everyone feel welcome at your event”

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